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Executive Committee 2012-13
The new executive committee of NEA – Bangkok Center has been formed with meeting on March 16, 2012 at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.

Following engineers were elected in the mentioned post as new executive committee

S.N. Name Designation Email ID
1 Er. Babu Ram Paudel President
2 Er. Avnas Mahat Vice-President
3 Er. Sailesh Shrestha General Secretary
4 Er. Harshana Shrestha Rajopadhyaya Treasurer
5 Er. Bijay Bahadur Pradhan Members
6 Er. Kshitij Parajuli Members
7 Er. Medha Khatiwada Members
8 Er. Utsav Bhattarai Advisors
9 Er. Gyanendra R. Sthapit Advisors

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