Mr Bigyan Shrestha is life member of Nepal Engineering Association and Society of Electrical Engineers, Nepal. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from University of Rookee, now IIT Roorkee, in year 1987. Later he Completed Master’s degree in Power System Engineering from IoE, Pulckowk Campus in year 2004. He has experience in the electrical engineering field for more than 35 years. His area of experience is Hydropower Development including generation, transmission and distribution. He has contributed to commission Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project in position of CEO. His area of interest is Power Sector Reform, Project Finance, etc. for sustainable development of hydropower sector.
He has started his professional carrier from Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) in year 1988. For initial five years he word for operation and maintenance of Kulekhani Hydroelectric Project. He switchover his experience to distribution sector for two and half year in Kathmandu Central Distribution. Later, he devoted to Transmission Line Design and Construction department of NEA for 12 years. During his tenure in Transmission Line Department, he has completed Tanakpur 132 kV Interconnection Project in year 2000, as role of Project Manager. Apart from transmission line and substation design and construction he also contributed for electrical design of hydroelectrical projects of NEA and its subsidiaries. And he has also contributed to prepare Gride Code in year 2005.
In year 2008, he has been seconded to Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project (UTKHEP). Initially, he worked as in charge for electrical division of this 456 MW project. Later in year 2012, he worked as Project Chief in this national pride project. During this tenure, he has also officiated with responsibility of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Later in year 2017 he has been assigned as full time CEO for Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Ltd (UTKHPL). UTKHPL is a special purpose project vehicle (SPPV) company established for development of Upper UTKHEP. This project has been commissioned in year 2021 and it has been under commercial operation since 20 August 2021. Mr Shrestha got retirement from NEA on October 2021 in the position of Deputy Managing Director. He further continued as CEO to UTKHPL for additional one year i.e. till October 2022.
He has been awarded with ‘Suprabal Janasewa Shree 3’ from Nepal Government, in year 2021 for his contribution to UTKHEP.
Mr Shrestha has been an active member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) since 2003. IEEE is a US based professional institute having networks all over the world. As Senior Member he has been volunteering Nepal Subsection of IEEE since 2015.