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NEA Journal

Information on the manuscript submission and published issues can be accessed through Nepal Engineers' Association is not accepting any paper for now until further notice since we are to publish an upcoming issue very soon. We will soon be accepting papers through our next call. [ISSN (p): 2795-1529; ISSN (e): 2795-1537]

A) About the Journal
Aims and Scope

JoEIS is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by Nepal Engineers’ Association (NEA), both in print and online. The Journal aims to disseminate contemporary engineering issues of larger interest of mankind as well as potential and tested solutions for practical problems in the broad landscape of applied science and engineering. JoEIS accepts review articles, research articles, short communications, letter to the editor, book review, and commentaries in areas of applied science and engineering. It aims to provide a platform for multidisciplinary studies that blend the natural science and mathematics in applied science and engineering. The major focus areas of the journals include but not limited to:

  • Civil, architectural, and agricultural engineering
  • Electrical, electronics, computer, and information engineering
  • Mechanical, aerospace, and industrial engineering
  • Application of physics and mathematics in solving engineering problems
  • Engineering management, policies, and education; infrastructure planning/management
Editorial Board
Advisory Editors
  • Prof. Dr. Tri Ratna Bajracharya, Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Energy), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Prof. Dr. Narendra Man Shakya, Professor (retired) of Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  • Prof. Dr. Rajesh Dhakal, Structural Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
  • Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya, Computer Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  • Prof. Dr. Binod Tiwari, Geotechnical Engineering, California State University, Fullerton, USA.
  • Prof. Dr. Vishnu Prasad Pandey, Professor of Civil Engineering (Water Resources), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Journal Manager
  • Kushalta Nyoupane, Member Secretary, NEA Journal Publication Committee.
Editors (listed in alphabetical order of first name, within each category)
1 Architecture/Agriculture/ Civil/Environmental
  1. Dr. Alka Sapkota (Environment, Solid Waste), Whitehouse International College, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  2. Dr. Anir Upadhyay (Urban Planning), UNSW, Australia.
  3. Dr. Bhesh Raj Thapa (Hydrology, Groundwater, Climate change, Water Resources, Agriculture and Irrigation); Universal Engineering and Science College, Affiliated with Pokhara University, Nepal.
  4. Prof. Dr. Binaya Kumar Mishra (Water Resources); Professor, Pokhara University, Nepal.
  5. Dr. Bishnu Prasad Gautam (Concrete Technology, Structural Engineering), Provincial Planning Committee, Province-5, Government of Nepal.
  6. Dipendra Gautam (Structure), Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Sustainability, Nepal.
  7. Mr. Hari Lal Kharel, Lamar University, Texas, USA.
  8. Dr. Indra Prasad Acharya (Geotechnical Engineering); Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  9. Dr. Keshab Sharma (Geotechnical Engineering), BGC Engineering Inc., Canada.
  10. Dr. Kirti Kusum Joshi (Urban Planning), City Planning Commission, Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal.
  11. Prof. Dr. Netra Prakash Bhandary (Geohazards), Ehime University, Japan.
  12. Prof. Dr. Padma Bahadur Shahi (Transportation).
  13. Dr. Pawan Bhattarai (Water Resources); Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  14. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Shrestha (Transportation), Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  15. Dr. Rajan Bhattarai (Water Resources), Deputy Director General, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Government of Nepal.
  16. Prof. Dr. Rajesh Rupakhety (Earthquake/Structural Engineering), University of Iceland, Iceland.
  17. Dr. Rajit Ojha (Water Supply/Sanitation/Environment), Ministry of Water Supply and Sewerage; Government of Nepal.
  18. Dr. Rajkumar GC (Agriculture engineering, multiple use water system, water productivity, agricultural water management), Virginia Tech, USA.
  19. Dr. Ram Chandra Tiwari (Geotechnical Engineering), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  20. Dr. Rocky Talchabhadel (Hydro-meteorology), Researcher, Texas A&M University; USA.
  21. Dr. Rojee Pradhananga (Transportation), Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  22. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanjaya Uprety (Architecture, Urban Planning, and Energy Efficient Building Design), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  23. Dr. Shreemat Shrestha (Agriculture), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Government of Nepal.
  24. Assoc. Prof. Shukra Raj Paudel (Environmental Engineering), Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  25. Dr. Yadu Nath Pokhrel (Water Resources), Associate Professor, Michigan State University, USA.
2. Computer/ICT/Information Technology
  1. Dr. Bishesh Khanal (Computer Science, Machine Learning, and Biomedical Imaging Informatics), NepAl Applied Mathematics and Informatics Institute for Research (NAAMII), Nepal.
  2. Prof. Dr. Danda B. Rawat (Cyber security, Machine learning, Wireless communication; Computer network; Mobile Apps), Professor, Howard University, USA
  3. Dr. Gajendra Sharma, Associate Professor, Kathmandu University, Nepal.
  4. Dr. Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, Assistant Professor, Sejong University, Korea.
  5. Dr. Pradeep Poudel, Nepal Telecommunication Authority, Nepal.
  6. Dr. Rajeev Kanth (ICT and Data Science), Associated Professor (Docent), Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio, Finland.
  7. Dr. Ved Kafle, Research Manager, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan.
3. Electrical/Electronics
  1. Dr. Arvind Kumar Mishra, Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  2. Prof. Dr. Bhanu Shrestha, Professor, Kwangwoon University, Korea.
  3. Dr. Madhusudan Kayastha, Electronics, Pokhara University, Nepal.
  4. Dr. Nirmal Paudel, ABB, USA.
  5. Dr. Surendra Shrestha, Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  1. Prof. Dr. Bim Shrestha (Mechanical Engineering), Kathmandu University, Nepal.
  2. Dr. Dilip Khatiwada (Energy, innovation, nexus), Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Technology, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
  3. Prof. Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane (Mechanical Engineering), School of Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal.
  4. Dr. Nawraj Bhattarai (Mechanical Engineering), Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  5. Dr. Prajal Pradhan (Renewable Energy, Agriculture and Food System), Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany.
  6. Dr. Shree Raj Shakya (Mechanical Engineering, Energy), Director of Center for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
5.Others: Mathematics engineering management, infrastructure planning, policy, engineering education, etc.

B) Publication Frequency

The JoEIS will be published at least once a year. It may publish special issues at any point of time in the areas of broader interest to the prospective readers. The editor board welcomes special issue proposals from established researchers in the field. The peer review process would be handled by the guest editors.

C) Access Policy

The journal is published as Open Access journal through Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL) with the goal of the greater global exchange of knowledge. The papers can be freely downloaded and used for non-commercial purpose from NepJOL. The first volume was published in May 2021, which are accessible freely at:

D) Publisher

Nepal Engineers’ Association (NEA)
Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal

E) Author’s Guidelines

  • Manuscript should be original, not submitted and/or published elsewhere. Manuscripts for publication will be selected considering scientific merit and significance to the field.
  • Ideal length of manuscript is expected to be within 8,000 words. It should be in MS Word file, A4 size page with 25 mm margins in all sides, font type and size of Bell MT and 12, and line spacing of 1.5 lines. All the lines should be numbered continuously.
  • All manuscripts should be prepared in English language. If the author(s) wants to publish article in any other language, an English abstract is a must.
  • Title should be concise, not more than three lines, within 20 words, and reflect truly the contents in the manuscript.
  • Authors details should appear right below the title. It includes name, affiliation, and email address of each author. Corresponding author should be indicated with asterisk (*) mark and details of the corresponding author including email should be provided.
  • Abstract: A very concise abstract with a maximum length of 250 words should be inserted after authors details. It should include context and need of study, objectives or research questions, methodology, key results/conclusions, and implications of the study. No references are expected in the Abstract until it is explicitly necessary. The font should be Bell MT 11.
  • Keywords – insert 4-6 keywords after abstract in alphabetical order.
  • Main body of the manuscript is expected to have introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusions. However, depending upon nature of the manuscript, authors may structure in different way as well. Introduction is expected to have adequate review of earlier studies to set context and need of the study, followed by clearly spelled out research questions and/or objectives.
  • Sections/sub-sections: Manuscripts are expected to be divided into appropriate sections and sub-sections. They are numbered like 1, 1.1, and 1.1.1. No more than three level of sub-divisions are allowed. Abstract, keywords, acknowledgements, and references are not numbered.
  • Table and Figure – each table and figure should have adequate resolution [minimum of 300 dpi], embedded right in the manuscript at appropriate location, and have clear and concise captions. Table/Figure should be numbered sequentially as 1, 2, etc.
  • Equations – All equations should be numbered sequentially as 1, 2, etc. They should be prepared using MS Word’s built in “Equation Editor”.
  • References and citations – Please follow APA style available in Mendeley reference manager ( )
  • Submission – Manuscripts should be submitted through online submission system via
  • Call for paper as well as template for manuscript is available at: journal/

F) Peer-Review Statement

  • This journal performs double-blind peer-review process, in which the identities of the authors and reviewers are not revealed.
  • After electronic submission, Journal office will assign manuscript number, removes authors information, and makes it ready to review, within a week. The protocol for assigning manuscript number will be: JoEIS (Journal Name) – Year of Submission (4 digits, e.g. 2020) – Areas of submission (1 digit, 1 of 5 areas: 1 – Civil group, 2 –  Computer group, 3 – Electrical/Electronics group, 4 – Mechanical group, 5 – Others group) – Submission Serial Number of the year (4 digits). Example: A manuscript number of JoEIS-2022-1-0001 indicates the 1 st submission to this journal in 2020, and the submission is in the areas of civil Engineering.
  • Editor-in-Chief or one of the Editors evaluates submitted manuscript for suitability for peer-review. If it’s evaluated as outside aims and scope of journal or insufficiently original or have fundamental scientific flaws or poorly structured (content-wise and language-wise), it is rejected outright by Editors. This process generally takes two weeks.
  • After the manuscript is evaluated as suitable for peer-review, it is forwarded to at least two suitable reviewers (academic, research and professional experts) for peer review. This process generally takes 4-6 weeks. However, depending upon response of reviewers and need to go for several reviewers, it might take longer as well.
  • Upon receiving of feedback from reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief takes decision on the submission. The decision could be one of following
    • Accepted – Accept as it is
    • Minor revision – Mainly editorial revisions without substantial revision in results/manuscript required.
    • Major revision – Significant improvements are required in the entire manuscript
    • Reject – Not suitable to publish in the journal
  • The Editor-in-Chief will communicate the decision with Authors. The decision in general will be provided within 2 weeks from the date of required reviewers are completed.
  • If the decision is to revise, Authors are expected to submit revised manuscript, with response to reviewer’s comments within four weeks.
  • The revised submission may also go another round of review depending upon extent of revision suggested by reviewers.

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